Monday, September 28, 2009


Wheesung Vol.6 album, without cover.


Release Date: 2009-10-12
Language: Korean
Disc Format(s): CD
Package Weight: 120 (g)
Publisher: Mnet Media
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1021356838

휘성 6집 - Vocalate

R&B의 왕 휘성, 10월 8일 정규6집 음반으로 귀환!‘Vocalate’ 발매
휘성, 생애 최고의 명반 ‘Vocalate’ 로 컴백!

‘안되나요’부터 ‘insomnia’까지 수많은 히트곡을 선보이며, 국내 최고의 보컬리스트로서 인정받고 있는 가수 휘성이 2009년 가을 정규 6집 음반 ‘Vocalate’로 돌아온다.

세계에서 인정받는 실력파 보컬리스트 휘성. 美최정상급 프로듀서 로드니저킨스, R&B스타 NE-YO와 공동작업

풍부한 감수성으로 다채로운 표현력을 자랑하는 휘성은 국내뿐 아니라 미국, 일본 등의 해외에서도 그 실력을 인정받아 미국 현지의 초특급 스탭들과의 미국 진출을 진행하고 있어 세간의 주목을 받고 있다.
휘성의 미국 진출 음반은 美최정상급 프로듀서인 로드니저킨스(다크차일드)가 프로듀싱을 맡았으며, 전 세계적인 R&B스타 Ne-yo가 작사/작곡한 곡이 수록될 뿐만 아니라 Ne-yo가 직접 피쳐링에도 참여하는 등 국내외에서 인정받는 최고의 보컬리스트로 급부상하고 있다.
또한 휘성의 미국 음반에 실리게 되는 Ne-yo 작사/작곡의 곡은 마이클잭슨의 사망 전 발매 예정이었던 음반에 수록이 확정됐던 곡으로 국내외를 불문하고 큰 화제를 몰고 올 것으로 보인다.

이미 아시아 가수 최초로 세계최대의 음반사인 유니버셜사와 유통계약을 맺어 기존 타 가수들의 진출과는 달리 안정적이면서도 공격적인 전략으로 현지를 공략해 세계가 인정하는 월드스타로서의 급부상을 준비하고 있다.

휘성의 모든 것이 담긴 가장 ‘휘성다운’ 최고의 명반
디지털싱글 ‘insomnia’를 통해 원곡보다 더욱 세련된 음악으로 해외 아티스트 이상의 실력을 선보인 휘성은 스스로가 ‘생애 최고의 명반’이라 꼽을 정도로 정규 6집 음반에 자신의 모든 것을 쏟으며 심혈을 기울였다.
이번 6집 음반 ‘Vocalate’는 ‘Vocal’과 ‘Chocolate’의 합성어로 예술과 밀접한 음식인 초콜릿으로 연상될 수 있는 낭만, 특별함, 섹시함, 달콤 쌉싸름함 등의 많은 감정을 휘성의 보컬로서 다양하게 표현한다는 의미를 지니고 있으며, 뛰어난 감수성을 바탕으로 최적의 표현을 해내는 휘성만의 장점이 더욱 부각되는 음반으로 평가 받고 있다.

총 12트랙으로 구성되는 휘성의 정규 6집 앨범은 R&B, 발라드, 댄스 등 다양한 장르를 소화하면서 동시에 휘성 자신의 모든 마음과 영혼을 담아 가장 휘성스러운 음악으로 소화해내어, 대중이 휘성에게 원하는 가장 휘성스러운 앨범이 될 것이다

yea...i wanted to have a copy too
but the shipping cost is quite expensive.
see, the price for the cd is RM 45.11 while the shipping cost is approx RM 23.00.
totals everything RM 68++. WOW!! kinda expensive, isnt it.
the normal rate for a korean album in the local cd store is not more than RM 50.00
so, i might considering pre-order it through the local cd store. but i have to bear the risk that they might not have the stock at the end after letting you waited for weeks. sIGH! it would be nice to live in korea noW!!

and by the way, i did translate the above description through google translations and i am kind of confused whether this is a brand new album with brand new song or just a recollection of his best hit songs. the first line translated :

"'Do not' from 'insomnia' Complete line up numerous hits, is recognized as Korea's best vocalist singer Wheesung Vol 2 Fall 2009 regular six albums 'Vocalate' return to."

i know, its confusing with the word "complete line up numerous hits", but i really hope that they are just mentioning that he is popular with numerous hits, and not this album. hope to see the tracklisting soon to confirm this. anyhow, regardless its a recollection or new album, i will be heading to the local cd stores happily tomorrow to place my order.

and i'm still waiting for the teaser for his cd cover soon. if 12th October is the confirmed release date, we have 14 anticipating days to go, hopefully with lots of teaser each day.

i am a little anxious now. honestly, i have never purchased nor own any of his cd to date. i know i am not a good fan compared to others, but this time, i will definitely make my purchase count. if only i can get him to sign me my copy, i will be the happiest person living on earth.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fan Mail

its something common between fans. i admit that i used to write fan mails to my previous favourite artists, but that was long time ago. the most recent one was in 2004. i love to write to them, but i only posted 40% of it. the balance is kept everywhere in my books, magazines, etc. when i found those letter, i will open it, read and then dispose off. why? i just feel so funny that i ever wrote these kind of stuff and partially, not letting others know about it.

i am mentioning this as i read taegoon's profile yesterday. he mentioned that he do read fan mails and remember those who often write to him. one question in mind, do other artists really read fan mails like him?

honestly, i never write any fan mails to wheesung. basically i dont know korean and he doesnt know english well too. i believe that he will feel reluctant to read fan mails in english as he has thousands of it in korean.

talk about this, i am kinda of worried about wheesung's future. lets say if he succeed in us market ( most probably ), definitely he will has a huge fan base. then, i will have the chance to hear his songs played by the local radio and television. then, i will hear his ringtones everywhere. OMG....

but i really hope him the best. i do love everyone to love him, just hope that he could still be humble as he is back in korea.

how many days to go?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

when i was about to.....

leaving wheesung alone for his new album preparation, he came out with this big news.


"Korean singer/producer, Wheesung has recently inked a contract with Universal Music to release an album and is primed to make his American debut.

Grammy Award-winning songwriter and record producer, Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins, who helped produced Se7en's American album, will also be producing Wheesung's American album. Jerkins have previously produced albums for Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton, Janet Jackson, Mary J. Blige, etc.

This collaboration was made possible through songwriter, Kim Jeong Suk. He had heard that Rodney Jerkins had been looking to collaborate with an Asian singer, and Jeong Suk who is on good terms with Wheesung, recommended the latter to Jerkins.

Jeong Suk said, "When Jerkins heard Wheesung's songs, he decided immediately that he was the one. Regardless of Korea or overseas, many have hopes of working with Wheesung. This collaboration is particularly meaningful since it's the first time, an Asian singer is releasing an album in America with a company like Universal."

Wheesung's management said, "We have currently finished recording for 2 songs and are now pushing for collaborations with top American singers for performances in the near future. It's a pretty difficult task to break into the American music industry and we are approaching this cautiously with maximum preparation."

There's more good news for his Korean fans as Wheesung plans to release his 6th studio album in early October."

one word : I AM SO PROUD OF HIM ( that's more than one word!)

as i have expected earlier ( watched his un-official teaser with his recording in usa ) i have never expected him to ink album contract with Rodney Jerkins. that is a big WOW!!! i was like screaming like hell when i read this news. Suddenly, i felt so proud, as if my own child has succeed something glory.

that was yesterday. PAST TENSE dot. but the anxious feeling continues its peak today!!


"As reported earlier by allkpop, Korean artist Wheesung signed a contract with Universal Music and big name producer Rodney Jerkins (Dark Child) to make a US debut. Well today, it was confirmed that Jerkins will be joined by R&B superstar Ne-Yo in composing Wheesung’s US debut album. It was also revealed that Ne-Yo himself will feature in one of Wheesung’s songs. This unnamed song is gaining further attention worldwide as it was originally planned to be in Michael Jackson’s new album. It doesn't get much bigger than that!

An agent from Wheesung’s agency Pop Up Entertainment stated, "Rodney Jerkins’ staff recommended Wheesung to Ne-Yo and AKon. The two artists revealed their interest in working with Wheesung on the new album."

Kim Hyun Suk, who was the one who introduced Wheesung to Jerkins, claimed, "Both AKon and Ne-Yo offered to collaborate with Wheesung. We had a delightful situation to worry about on who to pick out of the two. After a long discussion with Wheesung, we decided to accept Ne-Yo’s offer. I am so proud of Wheesung."

Wheesung also showed his happiness saying, "I am very excited and nervous about working with the best producer in the world and a star like Ne-Yo. It is such an honor that I will be singing a song that was supposed to be Michael Jackson’s album. I will do my very best."

Wheesung’s US debut album will be released on the 8th October. This will be the popular singer’s 6th album."


This is really getting my nerve. Another BIG news today.

really thanks to Mr Kim Hyun Suk! i think i saw this guy somewhere on the net before.


and the un-named song supposedly in MJ's upcoming album???? it freaked me a little at first thinking of MJ's crotch-grabbing action in some of his songs......everyone must have high expectations on him.

but netizens said that US market will be a little hard for him as his english is a little bit...... But i believe that music is universal. regardless what language they are singing, we will still love it. Take me for example. I dont know Korean but i loved korean songs ( especially Wheesung's song!!!). Anyhow, i really hope he will do well in US market, as he is really comparable to other US artists. He got the voice, talent, skill and look, and why not?

hopes wheesung doesnt pressure himself too much with netizen's expectations. well, a simple english lesson helps a lot ( or you can read my blog more often.)


Monday, September 21, 2009

i am missing you

i am missing wheesung quite badly these few days.

its been a long time since my last update.
that was the latest news i have on him.
i have always wondering what he has been doing lately.
guess that he must be busy preparing his upcoming new album release.
i'll just have to wait patiently till he announces it .

worrying that i might have gone far away from him, now, i only got his old songs to keep me back in track with him.

