Wednesday, July 22, 2009

the teaser is not official yet

i didnt know that the teaser is not yet official for the promotion of wheesung upcoming new album.

i posted a clip few days ago, mentioning that it was a release of teaser for wheesung's new album while questioning the source of the video. at first, i thought that it was officially released from his cyworld as i dont have cyworld account.

then, yesterday, some fans commented in a forum that the video has been made private by the uploader. the uploader did not have the intention to share the video publicly as wheesung hasn't made it official yet. its a sensitive issue, so, hopes that everyone will keep quiet about this.

hopes that they will not be affected by this and the recording goes smoothly as expected.

but wheesung oppa, any teaser for the cover of this album yet????

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

i have decided

to erase Wheesung from my memory.

NO....i was just kidding. NEVER EVER will i erase him from my memory even though i love his "i'm erasing you" song so much.

its something important

i have decided to start DIETING from tomorrow onwards.

why does it have to relate to Wheesung?

Of course, he inspired me to DIET as he did it successfully before.

he transformed from a chubby cute fair guy to hot-smexy-handsome looking guy.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

[teaser] Wheesung in LA recording

i just got this fresh from youtube. uploaded by pridevideo, its a kind of teaser of wheesung doing his new song recording in studio and some dance at outdoor. i'm wondering where does the uploader get the video from. maybe, he is one of person involved in the recording as the video uploaded is in HQ format.


well, the good news is that we can have listen part of his new song in this clip. guessed that the name of the song is 'Fantasy Girl' as the chorus suggested so. i'm surprised to hear that its an ENGLISH SONG. is he planning to enter US market? anyway, i really liked this song at first time of hearing it as it's a dance song like Insomnia.

the funny part is that they inserted some clips of them dancing on the street in LA. i found this funny as one of the dance was so busy typing message on his phone when wheesung and the others were dancing.

he looked a bit blur at the first part of the video. as he is still using a translator, guessed that he can't speak english fluently. but he did a great job for the pronunciation of English words in this song.

after seeing this clip, its a bit too much of me to expect a full ENGLISH album from him this time.

as the clip suggests, i fully agreed that

the USA is ready for WHEESUNG!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


i am on my hiatus, just like our dear wheesung.

heard that he is in LA now, done 2 shows at a club there and saw the fancam. he looked great. i prefer him with straight hair. he looked chubbier than before. but happy to see that he is healthy.

some pics of him taken at LA surfaced recently. never seen him in such casual cloth before.

SHORT PANTS???!! and burgers and fries. Oh..i love those food.

i guess those people around him are his dancers. so good to have many people accompanying him at foreign land. again, i guessed that he will be alone with some producer there for a recording which takes about a month.

well...wish him good luck there.

and got the news recently that he will be flying to Mongolia on the 17th to perform in a Korean Music Festival show there. He will be back to LA on the 21st again to finish off the recording. this worries me as AH1N1 is spreading widely everywhere. Hope that he takes care of himself well, packed with dozens of masks wherever he goes.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

My favourite song

i am so happy to know that wheesung sang my favourite song in "tHe Man" concert. i have never seen him perform this song live before. as i expected, he did not sing the climax part of this song, maybe playing it safe. anyway, i am very excited to hear him bringing it well and flawless.

for a quick peek of him performing this song, please visit :

feels like crying as this is the first time seeing him performing this song.

this is the song that i loved the most after luv shine. suddenly, i have the urge to list down the songs i wish to hear from his concert.

1. Naega norul idnunda
2. Luv shine
3. I'm missing you
4. Wanbyeokhan namja
5. Byeori jida
6. Prayer 4 soul
7. After a year
8. Even if it hurts
9. Insomnia
10.Incurable disease
11.Sarang han jang
12.Choco luv

For cover songs,
1. Mirotic
2. Step to far - Japanese song from Douchin Yoshikuni from Chemistry. i love this song as it sounds so sad. its has the feeling of narak, vocal with guitar concert.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

[personal] A non wheesung post....Sad truth

first of all, this is a personal post about myself. it has no relation to wheesung, but the reason i'm posting here is that i wanted to share with others my feelings.

now, i feel terribly sad for the truth that i got to know recently.

not trying to hide it from the public, i am honestly to disclose here that my father has another family other than the one i'm living in. he has a daughter with the mistress that he has and she has grown to 19 years now. being living in such family is hard, when you will share your father's love and affection with another persons. i might had contributed 100% to him, but what i only have in return is just 50% from him. it goes the same with my mom.

time flies so fast that we are now grown up. my father is getting older and near to his retirement soon. i have no choice but to work with him, one is to secure his wealth and another is to supervise his spending power and actions during work. certainly, i got to known a lot of things and the sad part is that, i couldn't tell my mom about it. the reasoning why i kept my mouth shut is to avoid fight and quarrels at home. we had so much of it and grew tired of the scars it left.

it's even sadder when my father is expecting so much from us without thinking that he can only contribute his 50% to us. there were times that we failed to deliver what he wanted, but that is human nature. We do make mistakes. he never appreciate us, but scolded us in return. as he is living with us, we found it harder and harder to communicate with him.

until recently, i got to know that he has been treating his "another daughter" so well. Relatives has told us that they saw them together dining out at expensive restaurants frequently. they saw him buying things in large scale, for the size of two families. he dared to spent his money on her but always being stingy to us. everything he bought home something, very little thing, i got so frustrated thinking that this is the balance to us after distributed to "some people". Are we your rubbish bin?

he never bring us to those expensive restaurants. he always chooses the cheap place to dine out with us. why is he treating us like that even we are the official family of his. what have we done wrong?

is he having an excuse to repay back what he cant give to her? that is your own mistake and not ours. we have no rights to be sacrificed.


i feel very unfortunate.

even we have his body, we lose his soul.
